Look at my newest CT puppy photography session! This is Noodle. He is The Exceptional Partner’s newest service dog in training! You might remember the last puppy photo shoot I did. That one was FIVE puppies. This time I just had one, but let’s say that Noodle was a handful on her own!
CT Puppy Photography: Noodle
Look at that little face! How could you not fall in love with her? I love when I get to meet the puppies before they are in full training and wear their vests.
The Exceptional Partner Service Dogs
This is an amazing 501(c)(3) non-profit origination. It is the only non-profit organization in the area that provides psychiatric service animals to civilians. If you live in Newtown, I’m sure you’ve seen some of the service dogs in training around town. The dogs are regularly brought to schools where students can learn about their purpose and are also educated about the needs of people with mental illness. This is a great way to normalize the stigma around mental health issues and have it be a part of every day conversation.
To learn more about The Exceptional Partner Service Dogs, you can go to their website or FB page.